March 15, 2006 -
Hey Deprived Fans...
Once again long fuckin' time no newsletter or updates, or any god damn thing from us.
Well wait no longer!!
I have added lyrics to a new song we recently finished entitled: Darkness (Shed the Light)
You can check out the lyrics for the song under the Unreleased section of our lyrics page.
You will also be able to hear this new track at our shows.
Now I know most of you right now are saying, "How can we hear this song at shows when you keep telling us you are booking and we see no new show dates".
Well my friends, this is a very good question. And the answer is very simple. DEPRIVED is BACK!!
I told you awhile ago we were in the midst of booking. Well we were and still are. Shows will be pouring in slowly at first, but we will get it back very shortly.
But the good news is, we do have one show fully booked in APRIL!! That's right, Deprived will take the stage once more in April. All the details for the show will be up by week's end hopefully.
This show will be taking place at Crocodile Rock Cafe in Allentown, PA. It's with a few big name bands on very big labels. The only 2 bands I know off the top of my head we are def playing with are...
The Autumn Offering, and The Human Abstract. Again, ticket prices, date, other bands, etc. will be up in the next few days.
We look forward to seeing each and every one of you (and your friends too) at this show and many of our other ones.
Til next update....Take Care.
Mike Schaffer
January 31, 2006 -
I finally got in touch with a tech support guy today and got the Guestbook spam shit taken care of once and for all!! There may be little here and there, but that shit will be taken care of right away and never to return. So please, feel free to sign the guestbook again.
Also, I have added a few more links in the Links Page. Go and check them out if you have nothing better to do.
I am also slowly but surely working on getting some new merch up on the merch page shortly. And the CD I am also hoping to get pressed soon as well. I would love all of our fans to get to hear the fantastic recording we did. Again, if you aren't sure what I am talking about, it's the "Thanks For The...PAIN" EP that is long overdue for release now.
And also, if you get a chance, while I'm on the discussion of the CD, to go to our site at and check out 4 of the 5 tracks that appear on the CD. No, you can't download the songs, but you can listen to them until the CD fianlly gets released. At least I'm giving you something to hold you guys over with for now ;)
January 29, 2006 -
Well, I have finally gotten off my lazy ass to bring you another update.
Well like I promised like a month ago now, Austin's Band Member page is finally done and up. So go check it out and learn more about Deprived's newest member!!
The other thing I mentioned awhile back has also been taken care of. FINALLY!!
That being the Deprived Desktop Wallpaper page. Go check it out. It's under the Miscellaneous section. Go check it out and make your favorite pic your new Desktop Wallpaper to look at each and every time you load up your computer.
As some may or may not have noticed, the guestbook has been over-run by piece of shit spammers. I'm trying to get a spam blocker added onto the guestbook, but with no luck as of yet. If I can't find any, I'll probably just do away with the guestbook all together. Sucks, but I'm tired of all the spammers!!
Practices are coming along fucking great. Fantastic even. We have a total of about 4 or 5 new songs we are currently working on right now. I can't fuckin' wait til their done, b/c they are just ridiculously awesome.
January 18, 2006 -
The BIO has finally been re-written yet again!!
January 1, 2006 -
Happy New Year!!